How to Decrease Stress: Three Ways to Love More and Judge Less

Stress among Americans is at an all-time high. From COVID-19 to inflation to mass shootings, a multitude of stressors are affecting our well-being. The long-term stress sustained since the pandemic began has had a significant impact on well-being, evidenced by a significant increase in reported mental health conditions and chronic illnesses, according to the results[…]

Are You Hiding? Discover How To Unlock and Unleash Your True Value.

I meet many promising leaders who have so much to share with the world, yet struggle with the confidence to own their perspective, expertise, value and their worth.  It’s one of the leading reasons people don’t succeed. Rob Schultz discussed this topic in his blog If You Don’t Buy It, Neither Will They: Stop pretending[…]

Can People Really Change?

By Jennifer Olson As so often happens during the holiday season, a family member and I got into a heated discussion. “People aren’t capable of change”  “WHAT? That’s not true! That’s what I help people do. CHANGE. I know they have the ability to change and have seen it happen.”   “No, they only think they[…]